Get set up for SOAR ProTraining in a few easy steps



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laughing man


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SOAR ProTraining, Step by Step


When SOAR courses become available, here is how to access them:



1.  Join New Earth Village

Your community must be a member to participate in SOAR ProTraining. If you’re the authorizing administrator, join New Earth Village as a community. If you wish to personally participate in the forums and knowledge pots, you must also join as an individual.



2.  Choose a pathway

With your colleagues, review the pathways (programs) and optional Pathways Plus (see Pathways and Pathways Plus in the sidebar). Choose the pathway that fits your needs and budget


3.  Pay for your training

Go to 'Store' in the top menu or training sidebar. It will take you to the New Earth Village Store. Follow the steps to create a client account and pay for your training online. Then give your community username and password to those who need access to the training materials (eg, TalkWalkers)



4.  Train Your Talkwalkers

Find several people (or more) to serve as your Talkwalkers (workshop facilitators) and have them take the course 'Talkwalker'



5.  Decide on a sequence of courses

If you've chosen First Light or Advantage, the order of your courses will be pretty much set from the beginning. However, if you're in Choices, you'll want to review all the courses available and decide on which courses and what order makes sense for your work group. In either case, look all the courses over and make a plan that suits your needs.



6. Organize the Event(s)

Gather the equipment (find a computer, sound equipment and a workshop space with internet access); secure any required funds (eg, for food, equipment, materials), book the workshop space; promote the events; arrange for food and beverages if needed. For more information, please see the webpage 'Required'



7.  Get Ready

Download and print copies of the course's participant guide. Set up the workshop space. Test the streaming video



8.  Start Your Course

On the day of the course, follow the instructions provided in Guide to TalkWalking (The Four Realms > Creator > TalkWalking > Guide to TalkWalking. When you are ready to start your course, use your community username and password to log in, then go the Four Realms > Creator, click on a course, download and print its guide and when your group is assembled, click on the video. You're soaring!



9. Have fun; make a difference!



feather to wind
feather to water
feather to fire
First Peoples, Life-Centred