The Four Stages

Getting Started
Creating the Vision
Making Change
Enriching Change


Nineteen Ways

Learn about the nature of the SOAR process                                 


laughing man


New Earth Village TIPS:










SOAR Process

Steps to community development




Stages and Steps


SOAR has four stages. The community moves through the stages roughly in order but it may well find itself operating in two or more stages at the same time. Each stage involves a series of steps; each step involves a number of tasks.


The accelerated version of SOAR (SOAR First Light) takes about four to six months to complete (four to six weeks per stage). The comprehensive version of SOAR (SOAR Advantage or SOAR TotalPro) takes sixteen to twenty-four months. Timelines for SOAR vary considerably according to the complexity of the resources being developed, labour available and so on.


Development, of course, is never-ending. To continue growing the Life-Centred Learning Community and maintain crucial change momentum, communities are urged to repeat the cycle indefinitely.



Stage One: Getting started

This is where the focus of the change effort is decided, where teams and resources are organized, and where the community is invited to participate:

  1. Learn about SOAR
  2. Set the focus and scope
  3. Organize and train teams
  4. Inform and engage community

Stage Two: Creating the Vision

Teams plan and carry out a whole-community vision-making exercise called SOAR Summit. The process generates a high level of excitement and engagement and the resulting vision guides development actions:

  1. Plan SOAR Summit
  2. Develop interview guide
  3. Train the teams
  4. Interview community members
  5. Inform and engage community
  6. Carry out SOAR Summit


Stage Three: Making change

Next, Action Teams are formed to translate the vision into 'on-the-ground' resources. Action Teams then manage the resources and make changes on the fly as experience suggests:

  1. Self-organize into Action Teams
  2. Train Action Teams
  3. Plan priority resources
  4. Inform and engage community
  5. Implement and manage resources
  6. Review, revise, rejoice


Stage Four: Entrenching and enriching change

A second SOAR Summit is held to review progress on the vision and to develop strategies to entrench change (prevent old dysfunctional ways from creeping back in) and to enrich change (strengthen and expand partnerships, develop additional new resources):

  1. Revisit the vision (SOAR Summit 2)
  2. Train the teams
  3. Expand and deepen partnerships
  4. Plan and implement entrenchment strategies
  5. Plan and implement additional new resources
  6. Fan what works
  7. Inform and engage community
  8. Review, revise, rejoice



feather to wind
feather to water
feather to fire
First Peoples, Life-Centred