by Peter Bruce | Aug 2, 2022 | Family, Archive Japan
Japan Yokohama 1910-1923 Ex-Pats: A Challenging Life From 1910 until the devastating earthquake of 1923, the Bruce family maintained two households, one in Yokohama, Japan.and one in South London, England where the children took their schooling. Rose Mary spent...
by Peter Bruce | Aug 2, 2022 | Family, Bruce, 1920-1929
Canada Bruce: 1925-1939 Where Brawn & Wits Count Sort byDefaultTitle (A - Z)Title (Z - A)Date (Oldest)Date (Newest)Comments count (asc)Comments count (desc) Canada: Britannia Bruce 1928-1934 BRU Canada: Pioneer Mine 1934-1938 Canada: Adrift Bruce 1926 Canada:...
by Peter Bruce | Apr 17, 2023 | Archive, Archive Japan
Yokohama Life 1910-1924 A world class city Life In Japan (images from the net) YokoLife Net 18YokoLife Net 18 YokoLife Net 16YokoLife Net 16 YokoLife Net 15YokoLife Net 15 YokoLife Net 13YokoLife Net 13 YokoLife Net 12YokoLife Net 12 YokoLife Net 11YokoLife Net 11...
by Peter Bruce | Apr 12, 2023 | Archive: Australia
Archive: Australia Find all archives on Australia The Firsters OldMomey–2 murphy-li-9KtSfRukvM8-unsplash A Test CaptionA Test Caption Britannia- Britannia-005 The Bounty OldMomey–2 murphy-li-9KtSfRukvM8-unsplash A Test CaptionA Test Caption Britannia-...
by Peter Bruce | Apr 12, 2023 | Archive, Archive Japan
Yokohama 1910-1924 Letters & Docs Letters & Docs 1 LettersDocsJapan-0424 LettersDocsJapan-0365 LettersDocsJapan-0364 LettersDocsJapan-0359 LettersDocsJapan-0343 LettersDocsJapan-0342 LettersDocsJapan-0340 LettersDocsJapan-0330 LettersDocsJapan-0328...