Farming the Prairies 1925

Working the Harvest 1925 McDonald College After the earthquake, there was no work in Japan, so the Bruces returned to England. Sydney and the boys attempted to start a chocolate  business without success. The family then made a fateful decision:  immigrate to Canada....


Farming 1924-1925 Archive Canada 1924-1925 Vancouver To Canada  Aug 1928 Frank and a fellow crew member leave the cattle boat Manchester Producer in the Azores and make their way back to England. Sydney, Frank and Maurice decide to start a chocolate factory but within...

Canada 1924-1939

Canada: 1925-1969 A whole new world Text here Text here PloughingPloughing Text here PloughingPloughing Text here PloughingPloughing Text here PloughingPloughing Text here...

Hong Kong: Caldwell 1909 & Earlier

Hong Kong Caldwell: 1909 & Earlier Life In Hong Kong  OldMomey–2 murphy-li-9KtSfRukvM8-unsplash A Test CaptionA Test Caption Britannia- Britannia-005 Scenes of Early Hong Kong Beaconsfield_House_1890 Hong Kong Island 1840 Hong Kong Cemetery EarlyHK10 EarlyHK9...