Hong Kong: Caldwell 1909 & Earlier

Hong Kong Caldwell: 1909 & Earlier Life In Hong Kong  OldMomey–2 murphy-li-9KtSfRukvM8-unsplash A Test CaptionA Test Caption Britannia- Britannia-005 Scenes of Early Hong Kong Beaconsfield_House_1890 Hong Kong Island 1840 Hong Kong Cemetery EarlyHK10 EarlyHK9...

Docs-Letters 1910-1924

Japan Yokohama 1910-1923   Ex-Pats: A Challenging Life From 1910 until the devastating earthquake of 1923, the Bruce family maintained two households, one in Yokohama, Japan.and one in South London, England where the children took their schooling. Rose Mary spent...

Canada: Bruce 1925-1939

Canada Bruce: 1925-1939 Where Brawn & Wits Count Sort byDefaultTitle (A - Z)Title (Z - A)Date (Oldest)Date (Newest)Comments count (asc)Comments count (desc) Canada: Britannia Bruce 1928-1934 BRU Canada: Pioneer Mine 1934-1938 Canada: Adrift Bruce 1926 Canada:...

Archive China

China Chan, Ko, Kwan, Lai   The Opium Trade China Controls Trade British traders  during the late 18th century and early 19th century made fortunes introducing Chinese luxury goods to the wealthy of Britain. Porcelain, silk, fine furniture and tea were in huge demand...


A Miner's Life Surviving the depression Archive: Canada 1928-1939 Who Went Where By the late fall of 1925, just months after completing the agricultural program, the three boys had apparently concluded that farming was not their schtick. Maurice probably never held...