Letter: Daniel E

To Daughter Rose Mary 1887
User Posts: Bruce 1909 & Earlier ... Read More
Saint Helena Caldwell: 1770-1820s Saint Helena is a small tropical island which lies about halfway between Africa and South America. A British possession since 1657, Saint Helena was strategically located as a re-provisioning stop for naval and merchant sailing ships returning to England from India and the Far East.  My ancestor, Lt. William Caldwell, arrived on Saint Helena with his pregnant wife, in 1770. The couple had two children, then William died of unknown causes in 1774. His widow, Elizabeth partnered with another man and that couple had two children whom she named Richard and Daniel Caldwell. Daniel Caldwell is my 3X great grandfather. Note therefore, that descendants of Daniel Caldwell have no blood connection to the Caldwell name. Daniel ... Read More
Period: 1909 & Earlier ... Read More
Penang Caldwell: 1820s to 1830? History of Penang   The Caldwells All we really know about the Caldwell’s time in Penang is that it occurred, for the father, Daniel Caldwell, died and was buried there in 1828. The original settlement was named Georgetown, but is now a neighbourhood in Greater Penang. The Old Georgetown Cemetery was destroyed by bombs during WWII. However, cemetery records survived and we have confirmed Daniel Caldwell’s death as 9 March, 1828. Penang-30644862 Penang-28874537 Penang-7348429 Penang-7348322 Penang-4This is a test for caption Penang-2Joo Chiat, Singapore- February 2, 2017: Colorful “Peranakan” House. The word ‘Peranakan’ used by the local people of the Malay Archipelagos to address foreign immigrants whom established families in the Straits of Southeast Asia ... Read More
Mitchell Mary Text Title In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris nulla enim, maximus sit amet velit eu, imperdiet consequat leo. Integer volutpat sapien et turpis facilisis luctus. Cras tincidunt lorem nibh, non eleifend eros venenatis non. Nam euismod vehicula rhoncus. Fusce vulputate ipsum in ullamcorper ullamcorper. Quisque eget nibh efficitur ipsum bibendum eleifend id eu lectus. Sed sollicitudin lectus sem, at aliquam nulla sollicitudin interdum. Nam id odio porta, placerat lectus id, tincidunt nisl. Proin eu luctus sem. Suspendisse sollicitudin, ante vel consectetur egestas, felis nulla pellentesque est, eget dictum dolor massa non massa. Aenean sodales sapien sed nunc porttitor porta. Sed tellus nulla, feugiat vel nisi id, tempor efficitur velit. Mauris nec ipsum suscipit, molestie dolor non, laoreet massa ... Read More
Mitchell Francis Williams 1 Text Title In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris nulla enim, maximus sit amet velit eu, imperdiet consequat leo. Integer volutpat sapien et turpis facilisis luctus. Cras tincidunt lorem nibh, non eleifend eros venenatis non. Nam euismod vehicula rhoncus. Fusce vulputate ipsum in ullamcorper ullamcorper. Quisque eget nibh efficitur ipsum bibendum eleifend id eu lectus. Sed sollicitudin lectus sem, at aliquam nulla sollicitudin interdum. Nam id odio porta, placerat lectus id, tincidunt nisl. Proin eu luctus sem. Suspendisse sollicitudin, ante vel consectetur egestas, felis nulla pellentesque est, eget dictum dolor massa non massa. Aenean sodales sapien sed nunc porttitor porta. Sed tellus nulla, feugiat vel nisi id, tempor efficitur velit. Mauris nec ipsum suscipit, molestie dolor non, ... Read More
Life In Hong Kong: Caldwell: 1909 & Earlier Life In Hong Kong 1 OldMomey–2 murphy-li-9KtSfRukvM8-unsplash A Test CaptionA Test Caption Britannia- Britannia-005 Life In Hong Kong 1 OldMomey–2 murphy-li-9KtSfRukvM8-unsplash A Test CaptionA Test Caption Britannia- Britannia-005 ... Read More
Letter: Daniel E To Daughter Rose Mary 1887 Daniel seems to share a very special bond with his daughter Rose Mary. Indeed, his letters express great caring and love for all three of his children. In this letter he makes reference to his harried life as a lawyer and leaves us with the distinct impression he would rather be elsewhere doing other things in the company of his gathered family. He speaks of the injury he received “in that horrid explosion.” Indeed it was. It was Saturday, February 23, 1884. Daniel was aboard a steam launch on his way to Macao from Hong Kong on business. The steamer Yotsai had just undergone extensive repairs. Eleven passengers were on board when ... Read More
Letters: Bruce 1940-1949 Letters1940-1949-028 Letters1940-1949-027 Letters1940-1949-026 Letters1940-1949-025 Letters1940-1949-024 Letters1940-1949-023 Letters1940-1949-022 Letters1940-1949-021 Letters1940-1949-020 Letters1940-1949-019 Letters1940-1949-018 Letters1940-1949-017 Letters1940-1949-016 Letters1940-1949-015 Letters1940-1949-014 Letters1940-1949-010 Letters1940-1949-009 Letters1940-1949-008 Letters1940-1949-003 Letters1940-1949-002 ... Read More
Letters: Bruce 1930-1939 Letters1930-1939-0730 Letters1930-1939-0729 Letters1930-1939-0728 Letters1930-1939-0727 Letters1930-1939-0726 Letters1930-1939-0725 Letters1930-1939-0723 Letters1930-1939-0722 Letters1930-1939-0721 Letters1930-1939-0720 Letters1930-1939-0719 Letters1930-1939-0718 Letters1930-1939-0717 Letters1930-1939-0716 Letters1930-1939-0715 Letters1930-1939-0714 Letters1930-1939-0699 Letters1930-1939-0698 Letters1930-1939-0697 Letters1930-1939-0696 Letters1930-1939-0695 Letters1930-1939-0693 Letters1930-1939-0692 Letters1930-1939-0682 Letters1930-1939-0681 Letters1930-1939-0680 Letters1930-1939-0679 Letters1930-1939-0678 Letters1930-1939-0671 Letters1930-1939-0670 Letters1930-1939-0669 Letters1930-1939-0668 Letters1930-1939-0666 Letters1930-1939-0665 Letters1930-1939-0664 Letters1930-1939-0661 Letters1930-1939-0660 Letters1930-1939-0652 Letters1930-1939-0651 Letters1930-1939-0650 Letters1930-1939-0649 Letters1930-1939-0646 Letters1930-1939-0645 Letters1930-1939-0644 Letters1930-1939-0643 Letters1930-1939-0642 Letters1930-1939-0641 Letters1930-1939-0640 ... Read More
Letters: Bruce 1920-1929 Letters1920-1929-0398 Letters1920-1929-0397 Letters1920-1929-0390 Letters1920-1929-0389 Letters1920-1929-0385 Letters1920-1929-0384 Letters1920-1929-0383 Letters1920-1929-0382 Letters1920-1929-0381 Letters1920-1929-0380 Letters1920-1929-0379 Letters1920-1929-0378 Letters1920-1929-0377 Letters1920-1929-0376 Letters1920-1929-0375 Letters1920-1929-0374 Letters1920-1929-0373 Letters1920-1929-0372 Letters1920-1929-0371 Letters1920-1929-0370 Letters1920-1929-0369 Letters1920-1929-0368 Letters1920-1929-0367 Letters1920-1929-0366 Letters1920-1929-0365 Letters1920-1929-0364 Letters1920-1929-0358 Letters1920-1929-0357 Letters1920-1929-0356 Letters1920-1929-0355 Letters1920-1929-0354 Letters1920-1929-0353 Letters1920-1929-0352 Letters1920-1929-0351 Letters1920-1929-0350 Letters1920-1929-0349 Letters1920-1929-0348 Letters1920-1929-0347 Letters1920-1929-0346 Letters1920-1929-0345 Letters1920-1929-0344 Letters1920-1929-0337 Letters1920-1929-0336 Letters1920-1929-0335 Letters1920-1929-0334 Letters1920-1929-0333 Letters1920-1929-0332 Letters1920-1929-0331 Letters1920-1929-0325 Letters1920-1929-0320 Letters1920-1929-0319 Letters1920-1929-0318 Letters1920-1929-0317 Letters1920-1929-0316 Letters1920-1929-0315 Letters1920-1929-0314 Letters1920-1929-0313 Letters1920-1929-0312 Letters1920-1929-0311 Letters1920-1929-0310 Letters1920-1929-0309 Letters1920-1929-0308 Letters1920-1929-0307 Letters1920-1929-0306 Letters1920-1929-0305 Letters1920-1929-0304 Letters1920-1929-0303 Letters1920-1929-0302 Letters1920-1929-8 Letters1920-1929-8-2 Letters1920-1929-3 Letters1920-1929-2 Letters1920-1929-2-3 Letters1920-1929-2-2 Letters1920-1929-1 ... Read More
Letters Bruce 1910-1919 Letters1910-1919-0199 Letters1910-1919-0187 Letters1910-1919-0186 Letters1910-1919-0185 Letters1910-1919-0184 Letters1910-1919-0183 Letters1910-1919-0182 Letters1910-1919-0181 Letters1910-1919-0180 Letters1910-1919-0179 Letters1910-1919-0178 Letters1910-1919-0177 Letters1910-1919-0176 Letters1910-1919-0175 Letters1910-1919-0174 Letters1910-1919-0173 Letters1910-1919-0172 Letters1910-1919-0171 Letters1910-1919-0170 Letters1910-1919-0169 Letters1910-1919-0168 Letters1910-1919-0167 Letters1910-1919-0166 Letters1910-1919-0165 Letters1910-1919-0160 Letters1910-1919-0159 Letters1910-1919-0158 Letters1910-1919-0157 Letters1910-1919-0156 Letters1910-1919-0155 Letters1910-1919-0154 Letters1910-1919-0153 Letters1910-1919-0152 Letters1910-1919-0151 Letters1910-1919-0150 Letters1910-1919-0149 Letters1910-1919-0148 Letters1910-1919-0147 Letters1910-1919-0146 Letters1910-1919-0145 Letters1910-1919-0144 Letters1910-1919-0143 Letters1910-1919-0142 Letters1910-1919-0141 Letters1910-1919-0140 Letters1910-1919-0139 Letters1910-1919-0138 Letters1910-1919-0136 Letters1910-1919-0135 Letters1910-1919-0134 Letters1910-1919-0133 Letters1910-1919-0132 Letters1910-1919-0131 ... Read More
Letters Bruce 1909 & Earlier Letters 1909&Earlier-060 Letters 1909&Earlier-059 Letters 1909&Earlier-058 Letters 1909&Earlier-057 Letters 1909&Earlier-056 Letters 1909&Earlier-055 Letters 1909&Earlier-054 Letters 1909&Earlier-053 Letters 1909&Earlier-052 Letters 1909&Earlier-051 Letters 1909&Earlier-050 Letters 1909&Earlier-047 Letters 1909&Earlier-046 Letters 1909&Earlier-045 Letters 1909&Earlier-044 Letters 1909&Earlier-043 Letters 1909&Earlier-042 Letters 1909&Earlier-041 Letters 1909&Earlier-040 Letters 1909&Earlier-039 Letters 1909&Earlier-038 Letters 1909&Earlier-037 Letters 1909&Earlier-036 Letters 1909&Earlier-035 Letters 1909&Earlier-034 Letters 1909&Earlier-033 Letters 1909&Earlier-031 Letters 1909&Earlier-030 Letters 1909&Earlier-029 Letters 1909&Earlier-028 Letters 1909&Earlier-027 Letters 1909&Earlier-026 Letters 1909&Earlier-025 Letters 1909&Earlier-024 Letters 1909&Earlier-023 ... Read More
Letters: Daniel E To Family in Script Click to open the pdf. Letters Daniel E to Family.pages ... Read More
Letter: Daniel E To Daughter Rose Mary 1887 Daniel seems to share a very special bond with his daughter Rose Mary. Indeed, his letters express great caring and love for all three of his children. In this letter he makes reference to his harried life as a lawyer and leaves us with the distinct impression he would rather be elsewhere doing other things in the company of his gathered family. He speaks of the injury he received “in that horrid explosion.” Indeed it was. It was Saturday, February 23, 1884. Daniel was aboard a steam launch on his way to Macao from Hong Kong on business. The steamer Yotsai had just undergone extensive repairs. Eleven passengers were on board when ... Read More
Lawrence Mary Text Title In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris nulla enim, maximus sit amet velit eu, imperdiet consequat leo. Integer volutpat sapien et turpis facilisis luctus. Cras tincidunt lorem nibh, non eleifend eros venenatis non. Nam euismod vehicula rhoncus. Fusce vulputate ipsum in ullamcorper ullamcorper. Quisque eget nibh efficitur ipsum bibendum eleifend id eu lectus. Sed sollicitudin lectus sem, at aliquam nulla sollicitudin interdum. Nam id odio porta, placerat lectus id, tincidunt nisl. Proin eu luctus sem. Suspendisse sollicitudin, ante vel consectetur egestas, felis nulla pellentesque est, eget dictum dolor massa non massa. Aenean sodales sapien sed nunc porttitor porta. Sed tellus nulla, feugiat vel nisi id, tempor efficitur velit. Mauris nec ipsum suscipit, molestie dolor non, laoreet massa ... Read More
Hong Kong Caldwell, Mitchell: 1834-1891 The Opium Trade China Controls Trade British traders  during the late 18th century and early 19th century made fortunes introducing Chinese luxury goods to the wealthy of Britain. Porcelain, silk, fine furniture and tea were in huge demand in Britain, earning the adventurous immense profits. There was, however, a catch. China had long been distrustful of foreigners . To control their influence, the Chinese government limited foreign trade to specified ports in South China, in large measure, Canton. Further, Chinese goods had to be be purchased with silver and trading for foreign goods was prohibited. The arrangement worked well until the drain on British silver reserves and thus a trade imbalance in favour of the Chinese, ... Read More
Hong Kong Caldwell: 1909 & Earlier Life In Hong Kong  OldMomey–2 murphy-li-9KtSfRukvM8-unsplash A Test CaptionA Test Caption Britannia- Britannia-005 Scenes of Early Hong Kong Beaconsfield_House_1890 Hong Kong Island 1840 Hong Kong Cemetery EarlyHK10 EarlyHK9 EarlyHK8 EarlyHK6 EarlyHK4-2 EarlyHK3 EarlyHK2-2 EarlyHK1 British gunboat Flamer 2109_untitled_325 2109_untitled_322PS 1302_untitled_343 1302_untitled_340 1302_untitled_339 1302_untitled_337 1302_untitled_335 1302_untitled_332 1302_untitled_328 1302_untitled_325 1302_untitled_324 1302_untitled_318 EarlyHK4 EarlyHK2 Accounts of Early Hong Kong HK Impressions of GSmith 11 HK Impressions of GSmith 10 HK Impressions of GSmith 9 HK Impressions of GSmith 9 (1) HK Impressions of GSmith 8 HK Impressions of GSmith 7 HK Impressions of GSmith 6 HK Impressions of GSmith 5 HK Impressions of GSmith 3 HK Impressions of GSmith 2 HK Impressions of GSmith 1 HK Impressions ... Read More
Docs: Bruce 1940-1949 Docs 1940-1949-012 Docs 1940-1949-011 Docs 1940-1949-007 Docs 1940-1949-006 Docs 1940-1949-005 Docs 1940-1949-004 Docs 1940-1949-001 ... Read More
Docs: Bruce 1930-1939 Docs 1930-1939-0724 Docs 1930-1939-0709 Docs 1930-1939-0708 Docs 1930-1939-0707 Docs 1930-1939-0706 Docs 1930-1939-0705 Docs 1930-1939-0704 Docs 1930-1939-0703 Docs 1930-1939-0702 Docs 1930-1939-0701 Docs 1930-1939-0700 Docs 1930-1939-0694 Docs 1930-1939-0691 Docs 1930-1939-0690 Docs 1930-1939-0689 Docs 1930-1939-0688 Docs 1930-1939-0687 Docs 1930-1939-0686 Docs 1930-1939-0685 Docs 1930-1939-0684 Docs 1930-1939-0683 Docs 1930-1939-0677 Docs 1930-1939-0676 Docs 1930-1939-0675 Docs 1930-1939-0674 Docs 1930-1939-0673 Docs 1930-1939-0672 Docs 1930-1939-0667 Docs 1930-1939-0663 Docs 1930-1939-0662 Docs 1930-1939-0659 Docs 1930-1939-0657 Docs 1930-1939-0656 Docs 1930-1939-0658±oM?vŸ|¿Ù¶R¼ÞKÒnæ‹ëw·70§ £wû%Œ‚. ܈‡?%¤RùWKX–xßODKuI™IŽ&Óy½yb–ãòn®Ú¬mp—O0¹‘âU‰¤ ËñF#/Æß|8m‚ÿ•qåÿ¬É?¯û×i®Oéjý˜ùpZräªXmi”´”³¸‚î„WF&wK™‹r_O‰¤`þß­£;Ãû¾A·àV­Ëö±Z[mäݹ”{¹šò‚a-ÔÒMè Tfà­ðýµ^X¦ò÷ËqË#5Åìð¹Io&-B»µäÔd “í|¥g^Æ.ï+âŒê÷Fçû¦­cRßiW#i¥Ö¾WЭì.,Òyž+éW’K—’Bñ‘ǃ±,ñørH¤W—ô=3GŠh¬&šT¸e˜‰î$¸¥”ú~£7§|S¥7…v*ÑȕsW¶’š®ËPÿÿÕôµ¥(ÔÜò?¯+<ÊG$j¦Õè1UdÝBêz~Ÿ}mè_(x9+qcÄr^Æ*“Øù_ʖs›SIg„Ãs[™ŒOØòv§ÙøOü¥—~Uò‰Óíí';Hd’H©pñ“#©2uug7,IZEi~Xò¤7 s`ÉT¬îê N+k™Y¹µ6ܝøýœmŒÕ|»å«÷€ß(õ-Óêñ0™ãn4?âËËjŸ‹ZPÔ4(k‹Ò…#„Ú[³:¡QՒÂ¿/ö¹2ý¬ EéZV‰£$–¶2zh>6çiò,܀‘˜¯2ÌOó`Tރåÿ«Úܤ}:¯ ¨ñòejž,Ú ~,*¿Iò·•4QolQb¿šI Û” ¨øQ˜­ ñ*àZd).ÅZ$2$쭓L7º·–!ÿÖô­˜ûtþvßéÊÏ2‘É0ZҘUÀ=MiÇ$…ãKõûûNk}dDÖкÎÁc,¦ª¤¿l*Çdòßå{Åé°@ª˜çUeV؇ðlQA•ù{c£%´kg’³LUCKÖ18›zÒ¾—©ÏüœU~§¡~_=ø½Ô`²úùŠ(Äò2‰ŒQ×Ò¯2«É¸b¨¸´ÿ(‹k”êÍo;Æ×_½¥Ã~ï‘,wåöqT,–^D†ÎÚäýQm4ßNiAéÄLŠÑ§ÂÔþô)Zâ¨OÑ?–ÐêÒߪiñê—ōÅÌr*K);±fVûÎk²v–^]•âÔÓА٨Ž;°á‚,u -Z|<Ú”¾_ I­^6±mbèµç¨ž²¨.x­xƒ,ŸùXfŸ¥þ^Ú^=õ²Šä3DÓ¤‹ö¥U䠖¥YJl¿äâªá/ˍ6I.͕¥³Û¼1Ë31^.„< Ä·U<YÃh ¬ú‘.¯&‘¡´’êýÏ­ñS:’Õøˆ<†ÙzXù-ìžÑRØÚÙ´’¼g/ŒÂ¿´}Hەº¶‹ä­C…Æ –Îôô#¹.E·PõêŒ(q©{åŸË+Ù]ÙX #¬–ÏJUÔ¥R¿´þ™¯úŸäâIEñ4_.^ǧÜGmñبý2Pª(¥=6]¸ü+)°Å]‰VL‰ä–€§¾$¨òÄ?ÿ×ô­§Â^½±~Vy”ŽI‚Ÿ‡¦^=òHoK5ø´¬==sÐ6HÉ,3 pc‘ütâ¸Ú”šWü³‘¥…Æ™30¬è«—íñŸ §Úþ(ÙþFd‚ÁÄ+ÊËmj}5å*¡¸!§#é†O„}ŒUR÷ËþTmN‹Ëd¾¹};ê³Ê[Äñ•iO8¨4®ëðŒWeåÊϋ$Zr͆ÆEhÒ5 ¢0³0è¸7Nʟò›ÝÚòµˆ¢´–À|!œŒ:qá_Wããś’ý¬(Ù׏ùw§Þ™.¿GA~ MF èÔ!•~Ù®ßgÙOÕü·œ¡£&A’ÀàDñ¬ªTR¢¨²ráÅ~ÖÙw«y=âO­]Z4€úÂ4Œ†9DE@~Gá<O8R¥ÞE›ÒÕ"“OC!X/U¢<%eõY+ð±Fç·ì⍕~µå¶yý[4‚åå…ä,Š²8-$«SNF¡¿à° î¯¿/¢Œi÷Sé«wª»Â7öø¯1Å¢–B¼Uª(KSŠFئ;®È#Ì^V»x´í.þÙåH‹Ce¨q|Aeíp^H+ǎ$()ÐÀ®À–‰Û”J…¤U‡†©T˘¿ÿÐô¤[·Ä^W.e#’eø¶vzaU6-M…|1BX½Ñ-,úܐCcÎ5fºã鉀ím^gR”Í­þ[Ù2³É§Å$Õ1|ä(9QZ¹P?g%H°íNÿòêNF;õ‘e$…O¨’C ãñTWìà]“+Ý˶÷^Ô¨.-”:Õ *z¡§t?³û OìFÛäJTõ¿$­Ì‘_}PÜB‰4¼ãRQ$?»gj|_‡P]>~L¬ˆ0ìªáC„3óGí6¦/ghY š0V2T|*z¶ØLØØÓkh‡ûïôcjÔvQ´Œ–ñ£L˜ª(ä´ A½*pªÿÑö(ÖÑw#‚ø×ÃÇTŽÂÆ0‹¼J±ÐF(ãN”Û^-m•J¬HX$w8U§µµxL/ 4M±Œ¨*v§N1VžÞ3Ƭ@ %AÛüÎA.kX¼¢F­+U§NÝ°¡µ·T BžªSîÅÐ@ÅKF§ÙªƒO–*½Uì€>[b«±V°%ÔÁ[«ybÿÒô¥¦êiüÇ*<Ë.‰Œc$»èÉ!v*âê+ó­qh¢“ºƒá¶*—ͬZ&¨ºs[Îfzq•af‹ì—Þ@ ®Ëû~/‡-¤Íùå²èm~Í)Gèë³ÕÕ?ºØrañ²¿ÙÃH´áuË'¾¹³Q5¢–˜˜œ%†Áø°Ñ[]œtÙþ³Hn‡Õbk‡„„´kMÐ(%›îÿ¼ÿ’&ڋÎzT‘_M7Ož†IØ[KÈъ•8ú’¶ß°¸)mÚwœôÛýWôdV÷‘]p2=¬ñFUK)¤®¢2ÕCðòåö™pÒÚûo5Cqg-âYÜcxcÂ)f˜¨Øé?þ–*…¾üÀÑ,µK½:æåšÌ+I*Ù´,W÷Rª“Ü#`¥´v‘æ;VŸÒ´Šã –X$‰ZÈâ†*œí.ÅZ&‡¦ª»,CÿÓô­¨?ëוu,º&)²ä‚W$‡WT6¡¨-”±†YêBúp/7Þ¦´¨Ûl*“· V*Ú^¢)p>¬Ô*ŸZӕ?círøqE£aór][ÁõK•[¨ÒXåhÈEæñ“ýöËÇâ üØ­ ?ÇVVŒØj„…¬„0¶¿Ìžÿ³ûX­¢?Åp{[…ÓïÝ.«ÅV݋’þðuMېÿ#âÅm»Ï4ÛÚL`šÆñØÈÑ)Š‘Z#¯,VÛ>fAqe é—å/R7Y„^© Y·å’íÕ~VÔ_άÓEú2þ±,VÑ©æž æ6W‰èÇê”0žL¼Š€€‰þðûr%*^hKKHn&ÓoÎdá0™dز¯Øæ>ʜU*ly§©gÑ4_²+–-Šáqª[¬ÝÞYٙììÚöpè¢Ý[‰!˜jѾÊüX¡m®ßÎÒ¡Ño!d‰¤S/¦@”0U›âj톖ÐvžkÔæÕ °“Ë·ñ$ÌÂKâ”ú¼@r¡³¤ŸUû¿ÛƑh¸õ«ù ¼Ñ7)%¯Øø[â#÷D_…yo&ÐöjÔnoVÙôè¤Ò5ӈĕj#ä9vû?ÝñƖԬ¼åªÜIkǖu+O¬o#· ËY@ñüTnMéúŠ¼ãû8ÒÚjºôŸZ.réêÍ…((ü}ªñý®ŸgЏçÀ¸1hZŒþ„úi$àXB|5M¹:ᥴM÷˜om¯–Ù4{«˜ß‡ˆ¸«Ó­HãÃ~x)m¾pº{˜­×BÔÉ)žDEV•´j7®4¶«wæ]F IìãÐo®cFaõȽ/D€ Šuo‹§Ùû_µ-£-µyîty/–Æx.cŒ±°¸^2‰rôþjÛü<£æ¼¾Ï,‰KGV¸[¸mÿG”F^áBúIÌjI ðRðþÖ [Jϛ53;Ä|½|ˆŒËë8‹U?hpgo‹ö~õ¸á¥µ?ñ•ñæÃËڈ…­J v¡_‰P1ø~&ûE[÷g-ªIæ«Ïњ•·—õ¦ºgú¢–d,»q#¢‰‹´úÊâK‹8'’µ’XÕÞÚN<ãf(ÜK/%èx¶D¥]AÄ®ÃhhâvX‡ÿÕô–ŸNMþ»~¼§ø‹.‰¢ýœ°!±(]…Pz­åÝ¥¯­ie%ü¼Õ~¯"1¡j¹‹Š [©jþa¶o¡=÷­+„Šâ%0¿u&NÇú¸Òڎ§¯k¶×1Gk Oz–wYbNÀÒ?Œ€ÌQ¸œ4‹C?™üijGyj㜬TJ&ˆÄ)SRÑ2ÿÍÍ-¸ùÌ“–nH%AëAÉYÙA;·Xԗb§ö~‹-¢ÛUÖõŸѦô"Yš+³$<%1„1ª¨bêf.áy/Ãé·?ØÀ”µ¼Ë楻hÿÃSz(Oï¾±VI@<ª[áø†µùŸÍBòyfub’8ërøIà•äG¨à/üV¼¾ÞWüLº'ƒVÖ®-SL"Ác2I¨<‹Äž5ˆµn¶<²ÂÅ <˯´Ö¨¾^ŸÓ¸uLgˆ,JÀîÅð× ^°*½îµæo&Š ®-ւÖdêV¬Aû ¡ŽßoáÅ+¡Ö5öÓ㸓G"àÈV[a2rð,·Û¢?g¨ê:ö¿o,b K¸]£š5dfRJÔ¯8ü'ö°-¡®|Ãæ%!òìҗ$5g…B€v©©ê>½NñgÁ†–Õ#óšZhüºâ9yÄ_»FâZ¿ ³ªŸÍ‰UkM{_“Y63y~k{?Q–=E§‰£d^_ä벯Ò·þ¶ M²,UªŠ­©/‚&ÊiS.bÿÿÖô–Åêkñµ>ü¤ýGÞÏ¢b§m²a‰+’BàFP¿’ö89Ù³Ì~훈+ßsŠ¥j>pi Í£À©¹.ìM)Ãè®n¨53„ºyt¨—Ó_ôXÖ~m#‡¥…ø/ÅÓáý¬UWO¾×%¼xoô¡mûªæ9ÒU$Wí-—¢ÓfûXªiÄdi+OA× „-ኬ{$2?k·†DÀ]¦Û־ݰªàÇÃïÀ­ÔS¾4¶¹d®*µåMð*•T÷ØãKkèiÔcJ¹Yh6ú1JªøàUýp«Ž­wŽj»,Cÿ×ô¥²(­;šýùL‡¨³‘è¿¡ù䃻q“ «®®Â®ÅRmOüWõ™¿G}Wêþ™ô=Pܽ^&œèGÃËà 7kÕógÕí †ÔÎb?]›ˆ˜2ÐGZ|¼ë_³ðã²î‚7?˜e‡úšŽäÍ-SìŠÓ‡Çþì~©û)þV‘º2öã͑ØDö––—¾š¡’W}OÛÁ[aû5컥ÏuùŽÖbHôý5nÇ#õw¸—‹|/Ä¥Ïà~?ÛÇdn­¨ËçqvÑØY؛^IÆâI¤õ8¾¡1…§ y…ÿÊÿ’]?’úE±µ±šÅ™}9fšHåU%ŠŒ­Äz­öחÀ¿åc²¬¸<f ‚ÅÓÓ­ùg‘[Öøc#Ón¼‰ä¿gâÁJ£¦Íçÿ®Fš…–ž¶|—Ö–å2…<‹…Bœ~ݪüÄß ÝlÏù…r´6Úuә²×ì᠍ÑÑÉæ–Õš6µ´]+Ár²¹Ÿ—¦ ... Read More
Docs Bruce 1920-1929 Docs1920-1929-241 Docs1920-1929-237 Docs1920-1929-236 Docs1920-1929-192 Docs1920-1929-191 Docs1920-1929-189 Docs1920-1929-179 Docs1920-1929-178 Docs1920-1929-177 Docs1920-1929-176 Docs1920-1929-175 Docs1920-1929-173 Docs1920-1929-172 Docs1920-1929-171 Docs1920-1929-170 Docs1920-1929-169 Docs1920-1929-168 Docs1920-1929-167 Docs1920-1929-166 Docs1920-1929-165 ... Read More
Docs Bruce 1910-1919 Docs1910-1919-0201 Docs1910-1919-0200 Docs1910-1919-0198 Docs1910-1919-0197 Docs1910-1919-0196 Docs1910-1919-0195 Docs1910-1919-0194 Docs1910-1919-0193 Docs1910-1919-0192 Docs1910-1919-0191 Docs1910-1919-0190 Docs1910-1919-0189 Docs1910-1919-0188 Docs1910-1919-0071 ... Read More
Docs: Bruce 1909 & Earlier Docs1909&Earlier-073 Docs1909&Earlier-071 Docs1909&Earlier-069 Docs1909&Earlier-067 Docs1909&Earlier-064 Docs1909&Earlier-062 Docs1909&Earlier-061 Docs1909&Earlier-049 Docs1909&Earlier-048 Docs1909&Earlier-032 Docs1909&Earlier-022 Docs1909&Earlier-021 Docs1909&Earlier-020 Docs1909&Earlier-019 Docs1909&Earlier-018 Docs1909&Earlier-017 Docs1909&Earlier-016 Docs1909&Earlier-015 Docs1909&Earlier-014 Docs1909&Earlier-013 Docs1909&Earlier-012 Docs1909&Earlier-011 Docs1909&Earlier-010 Docs1909&Earlier-009 Docs1909&Earlier-008 Docs1909&Earlier-007 Docs1909&Earlier-006 Docs1909&Earlier-005 Docs1909&Earlier-004 Docs1909&Earlier-003 Docs1909&Earlier-0002 Docs1909&Earlier-002 Docs1909&Earlier-2 Docs1909&Earlier-0001 Docs1909&Earlier-001 Docs1909&Earlier- ... Read More
Canada Bruce: 1925-1939 Where Brawn & Wits Count ... Read More
Canada: Britannia Mine Bruce: 1928-1934 Images DCT3809 DCT3808 DCT3807 DCT3806 DCT3805 DCT3804 DCT3803 DCT3802 DCT3799 DCT3797 DCT3796 DCT3795 Britannia-188 Britannia-179 Britannia-176 Britannia-174 Britannia-161 Britannia-160 Britannia-154 Britannia-152 Britannia-151 Britannia-149 Britannia-148 Britannia-146 Britannia-145 Britannia-143 Britannia-140 Britannia-135 Britannia-133 Britannia-127 Britannia-127-2 Britannia-122 Britannia-117 Britannia-111 Britannia-096 Britannia-090 Britannia-083 Britannia-078 Britannia-077 Britannia-076 Britannia-075 Britannia-074 Britannia-065 Britannia-058 Britannia-057 Britannia-054 Britannia-047 Britannia-040 Britannia-038 Britannia-035 Britannia-026 Britannia-018 Britannia-017 Britannia-014 Britannia-005 Britannia- A Test CaptionA Test Caption Documents DocsCanada25-29-241Ernest Robert Bruce, my great uncle. Ernest was the Director of Exhibits for the CPR DocsCanada25-29-237 DocsCanada25-29-236 DocsCanada25-29-192 DocsCanada25-29-191 DocsCanada25-29-189 DocsCanada25-29-179 DocsCanada25-29-178 DocsCanada25-29-177 DocsCanada25-29-176 DocsCanada25-29-175 DocsCanada25-29-173 DocsCanada25-29-172 DocsCanada25-29-171 DocsCanada25-29-170 DocsCanada25-29-169 DocsCanada25-29-168 DocsCanada25-29-167 DocsCanada25-29-166 DocsCanada25-29-165 DocsCanada25-29-164 DocsCanada25-29-163 DocsCanada25-29-162 DocsCanada25-29-161 DocsCanada25-29-160 DocsCanada25-29-153 DocsCanada25-29-152 DocsCanada25-29-151 DocsCanada25-29-150 DocsCanada25-29-149 DocsCanada25-29-141 DocsCanada25-29-140 DocsCanada25-29-139 DocsCanada25-29-138 DocsCanada25-29-134 DocsCanada25-29-133 DocsCanada25-29-111 DocsCanada25-29-110 ... Read More
Caldwell Rose Mary Text Title In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris nulla enim, maximus sit amet velit eu, imperdiet consequat leo. Integer volutpat sapien et turpis facilisis luctus. Cras tincidunt lorem nibh, non eleifend eros venenatis non. Nam euismod vehicula rhoncus. Fusce vulputate ipsum in ullamcorper ullamcorper. Quisque eget nibh efficitur ipsum bibendum eleifend id eu lectus. Sed sollicitudin lectus sem, at aliquam nulla sollicitudin interdum. Nam id odio porta, placerat lectus id, tincidunt nisl. Proin eu luctus sem. Suspendisse sollicitudin, ante vel consectetur egestas, felis nulla pellentesque est, eget dictum dolor massa non massa. Aenean sodales sapien sed nunc porttitor porta. Sed tellus nulla, feugiat vel nisi id, tempor efficitur velit. Mauris nec ipsum suscipit, molestie dolor non, laoreet ... Read More
Caldwell Henry Charles Text Title In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris nulla enim, maximus sit amet velit eu, imperdiet consequat leo. Integer volutpat sapien et turpis facilisis luctus. Cras tincidunt lorem nibh, non eleifend eros venenatis non. Nam euismod vehicula rhoncus. Fusce vulputate ipsum in ullamcorper ullamcorper. Quisque eget nibh efficitur ipsum bibendum eleifend id eu lectus. Sed sollicitudin lectus sem, at aliquam nulla sollicitudin interdum. Nam id odio porta, placerat lectus id, tincidunt nisl. Proin eu luctus sem. Suspendisse sollicitudin, ante vel consectetur egestas, felis nulla pellentesque est, eget dictum dolor massa non massa. Aenean sodales sapien sed nunc porttitor porta. Sed tellus nulla, feugiat vel nisi id, tempor efficitur velit. Mauris nec ipsum suscipit, molestie dolor non, laoreet ... Read More
Caldwell Family Origins St Helena Our Caldwell family, as we know it, began on the island of St Helena with the arrival of Lieutenant William Caldwell. William had been posted to St Helena to take command of the British East India Company battalion (commonly referred to as the HEIC, Honourable East India Company). William apparently brought with him his pregnant wife Elizabeth. William’s time on the island was limited. He died of unknown causes in 1774 at the age of 34. William and Elizabeth had two children. Elizabeth remained on St Helena and  partnered with an unknown man with whom she had 3 more children, one of whom was our direct descendant, Daniel Caldwell. As there were 4 Daniels, this first ... Read More
Caldwell Daniel Richard Francis Text Title In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris nulla enim, maximus sit amet velit eu, imperdiet consequat leo. Integer volutpat sapien et turpis facilisis luctus. Cras tincidunt lorem nibh, non eleifend eros venenatis non. Nam euismod vehicula rhoncus. Fusce vulputate ipsum in ullamcorper ullamcorper. Quisque eget nibh efficitur ipsum bibendum eleifend id eu lectus. Sed sollicitudin lectus sem, at aliquam nulla sollicitudin interdum. Nam id odio porta, placerat lectus id, tincidunt nisl. Proin eu luctus sem. Suspendisse sollicitudin, ante vel consectetur egestas, felis nulla pellentesque est, eget dictum dolor massa non massa. Aenean sodales sapien sed nunc porttitor porta. Sed tellus nulla, feugiat vel nisi id, tempor efficitur velit. Mauris nec ipsum suscipit, molestie dolor non, ... Read More
Daniel Edmund Caldwell Son of Daniel RF Caldwell & Chan Ayow Family OldMomey–2 murphy-li-9KtSfRukvM8-unsplash A Test CaptionA Test Caption Britannia- Britannia-005 Search Search for: ArchiveAbout Archive Straits China Australia England Japan Japan BRUShoe1910-1924 Docs and Letters of Japan BRUShoe1910-1924 Docs and Letters of Japan Docs-Letters 1910-1924 Canada Farming the Prairies 1925 A Miner’s Life To The City Letters OldMomey–2 murphy-li-9KtSfRukvM8-unsplash A Test CaptionA Test Caption Britannia- Britannia-005 Documents OldMomey–2 murphy-li-9KtSfRukvM8-unsplash A Test CaptionA Test Caption Britannia- Britannia-005 ... Read More
Caldwell Daniel Augustus Text Title In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris nulla enim, maximus sit amet velit eu, imperdiet consequat leo. Integer volutpat sapien et turpis facilisis luctus. Cras tincidunt lorem nibh, non eleifend eros venenatis non. Nam euismod vehicula rhoncus. Fusce vulputate ipsum in ullamcorper ullamcorper. Quisque eget nibh efficitur ipsum bibendum eleifend id eu lectus. Sed sollicitudin lectus sem, at aliquam nulla sollicitudin interdum. Nam id odio porta, placerat lectus id, tincidunt nisl. Proin eu luctus sem. Suspendisse sollicitudin, ante vel consectetur egestas, felis nulla pellentesque est, eget dictum dolor massa non massa. Aenean sodales sapien sed nunc porttitor porta. Sed tellus nulla, feugiat vel nisi id, tempor efficitur velit. Mauris nec ipsum suscipit, molestie dolor non, laoreet ... Read More
Great Kanto Earthquake Letters1940-1949-028 Letters1940-1949-027 Letters1940-1949-026 Letters1940-1949-025 Letters1940-1949-024 Letters1940-1949-023 Letters1940-1949-022 Letters1940-1949-021 Letters1940-1949-020 Letters1940-1949-019 Letters1940-1949-018 Letters1940-1949-017 Letters1940-1949-016 Letters1940-1949-015 Letters1940-1949-014 Letters1940-1949-010 Letters1940-1949-009 Letters1940-1949-008 Letters1940-1949-003 Letters1940-1949-002 ... Read More
Docs and Letters of Japan Docs and Letters of Japan Docs and Letters of Japan Letters1940-1949-028 Letters1940-1949-027 Letters1940-1949-026 Letters1940-1949-025 Letters1940-1949-024 Letters1940-1949-023 Letters1940-1949-022 Letters1940-1949-021 Letters1940-1949-020 Letters1940-1949-019 Letters1940-1949-018 Letters1940-1949-017 Letters1940-1949-016 Letters1940-1949-015 Letters1940-1949-014 Letters1940-1949-010 Letters1940-1949-009 Letters1940-1949-008 Letters1940-1949-003 Letters1940-1949-002 ... Read More
A Miner's Life Surviving the depression Archive: Canada 1928-1939 Who Went Where By the late fall of 1925, just months after completing the agricultural program, the three boys had apparently concluded that farming was not their schtick. Maurice probably never held the illusion that it was, for I have found no evidence that he stayed with his brothers in Canada. My guess is that he headed home to England. However, Frank and Geoffrey gave farming a shot. They worked the harvest in Alberta that year but by late fall, they had jobs at Britannia Mines near Vancouver. Mining Beats Farming Geoffrey seems to have taken to the work for he went on to become a geologist. Frank too, held a ... Read More
Art: Bruce S Frank Bruce: 1940-1969 S Frank Bruce Art 1 SFB Art-079 SFB Art-0815 SFB Art-129 SFB Art-128 SFB Art-127 SFB Art-126 SFB Art-125 SFB Art-124 SFB Art-123 SFB Art-122 SFB Art-121 SFB Art-118 SFB Art-117 SFB Art-116 SFB Art-115 SFB Art-114 SFB Art-113 SFB Art-112 SFB Art-111 SFB Art-110 SFB Art-109 SFB Art-108 SFB Art-107 SFB Art-106 SFB Art-104 SFB Art-103 SFB Art-102 SFB Art-101 SFB Art-100 SFB Art-099 SFB Art-098 SFB Art-097 SFB Art-096 SFB Art-095 SFB Art-094 SFB Art-093 SFB Art-092 SFB Art-091 SFB Art-090 SFB Art-089 SFB Art-088 SFB Art-087 SFB Art-086 SFB Art-085 SFB Art-084 SFB Art-083 SFB Art-082 SFB Art-081 SFB Art-080 S Frank Bruce Art 2 SFB Art-085 SFB Art-084 SFB Art-083 ... Read More
South London Home base for the Caldwells & Bruces A Shift In Focus The archive shifts now to the Bruce family. Why? Quite simply, because I have little knowledge of the Caldwells later than 1900 and hence, no archival material. There are two exceptions: my grandmother Rose Mary Caldwell and newly discovered ethnic Chinese cousins who are descendants of Daniel and Mary Caldwell’s adopted children. Rose Mary Caldwell married my grandfather, Sydney Bruce, and so the archive follows their life together. The Chinese Connection thread is just beginning to unfold! Origins As I write this piece, I decided to review what I knew about the origins of our branch of the Bruces. The answer is — not much. For years ... Read More
China Chan, Ko, Kwan, Lai   The Opium Trade China Controls Trade British traders  during the late 18th century and early 19th century made fortunes introducing Chinese luxury goods to the wealthy of Britain. Porcelain, silk, fine furniture and tea were in huge demand in Britain, earning the adventurous immense profits. There was, however, a catch. China had long been distrustful of foreigners . To control their influence, the Chinese government limited foreign trade to specified ports in South China, in large measure, Canton. Further, Chinese goods had to be be purchased with silver and trading for foreign goods was prohibited. The arrangement worked well until the drain on British silver reserves and thus a trade imbalance in favour of the ... Read More
Great Kanto Earthquake Letters1940-1949-028 Letters1940-1949-027 Letters1940-1949-026 Letters1940-1949-025 Letters1940-1949-024 Letters1940-1949-023 Letters1940-1949-022 Letters1940-1949-021 Letters1940-1949-020 Letters1940-1949-019 Letters1940-1949-018 Letters1940-1949-017 Letters1940-1949-016 Letters1940-1949-015 Letters1940-1949-014 Letters1940-1949-010 Letters1940-1949-009 Letters1940-1949-008 Letters1940-1949-003 Letters1940-1949-002 ... Read More

Daniel seems to share a very special bond with his daughter Rose Mary. Indeed, his letters express great caring and love for all three of his children. In this letter he makes reference to his harried life as a lawyer and leaves us with the distinct impression he would rather be elsewhere doing other things in the company of his gathered family.

He speaks of the injury he received “in that horrid explosion.” Indeed it was. It was Saturday, February 23, 1884. Daniel was aboard a steam launch on his way to Macao from Hong Kong on business. The steamer Yotsai had just undergone extensive repairs. Eleven passengers were on board when it left the dock at 1pm. An hour later the group was seated in the Chinese saloon aft, enjoying tiffin (a light lunch). There was a tremendous explosion which ripped the vessel apart and sent bodies flying. Read the whole story in the Hong Kong Daily News of March 4, 1884.

Daniel relates his trip to Japan with great enthusiasm. A rigorous trip by his account, which he states, despite his lingering injuries, did him a world of good, he, returning home with reduced pain. Likely, it was the break from his demanding schedule and relief from the day to day stress that left him refreshed.

One final note. Daniel speaks of the Japanese people: “Then the people. They are pleasing and clean, nicely dressed, polite and obliging. I hope dearie, that some day you will experience the same thing yourself.” Indeed, it seems Rose Mary did not forget her father’s positive experience in Japan. From 1911 to 1924, she, her husband Sydney Bruce and their five children, on and off, lived in Japan. Sydney worked as an accountant in Yokohama. There, history repeated itself, for on September 1, 1923, a massive earthquake and fire razed the city leaving one hundred and forty thousand people dead. And that is another story.

Caldwell and Wilkinson, Solicitors

50 Queen’s Road

Hong Kong

18 August 1887

Sweetie Rosie, I am at my desk at office and have to go into court in less than half an hour and clients are waiting for me in the outer office, but as I have not written for some time I must make time to send you a line or two of scribble.

First of all we are all well. I am not too strong, but the Japan trip certainly did me good as my back which was hurt in that horrid explosion, seems much easier since my return.

While in Japan, though, it hurt me greatly, but that was probably because I had to rough it so in travelling. I travelled about a thousand miles. Fancy what a glorious trip I had going that distance through the loveliest scenery, sometimes in fine cities, then through hundreds of miles of fertile fields of corn, barley, oats and rice, sweet little farm houses and pretty villages, then by the borders of lakes, through lanes of flowering shrubs such as camellias and azaleas 20 feet in height. Then by the side of a frightful mountain torrent, when you feel that each moment you would be carried away and dashed to pieces. Then in boats down Rapids boiling with foam and again up steep mountain[s], through gorges and over passes. Such a treat I’ve never had in my life and if I ever live to a thousand years the memory of it will remain fresh!

Then the people. They are pleasing and clean, nicely dressed, polite and obliging. I hope dearie, that some day you will experience the same thing yourself.

Millies’s family was added to a day or two ago in the shape of two little guinea pigs. She is delighted with them and is never tired of watching them. Nor is “Saiko” [unmindful of them] either, for he thinks they are rats and of course wants to settle them off hand. Poor “Saiko”! He can’t understand why we should set him in to some rats, and won’t let him touch [them].

I came back from Japan so full of scenery that I was bursting to faint. I have finished a large picture of a mountain gorge through which I passed. I must try to photograph it in order to give you some idea of the picture of the place.

Now I must really cease for there is not another moment

“Sayonara” (Japanese for “goodbye”)

Your loving Papa

I’ll write again next week, English mail, when I can have more time