One with Nature

Each region required its peoples to devise highly specialized cultures to adapt and (for thousands of years) thrive in their environment.



Of the North

Of the Mountains

Of the Coasts

Of the Forests

Of the Lakes & Rivers

Of the Grasslands

Of the Deserts

Of the Canyons

Of the Islands

As One


laughing man


New Earth Village TIPS:












What is 'Peoples...'?



A Tribute

'Peoples...' is a page that pays tribute in photographs to the remarkable indigenous cultures of the world.


It honours, in a small way, the spirit, rich diversity, ingenuity and resourcefulness of indigenous peoples. It is also a way of welcoming and including all indigenous peoples to New Earth Village.



The Nine Environments

We've identified nine unique environments in which indigenous peoples live. In each environment, Mother Nature required her peoples to adapt to her demands or perish. And so, highly specialized cultures were developed that allowed peoples to not only survive often harsh conditions, but thrive there for thousands of years.



How to use 'Peoples...'

Change the images on the page by clicking one of the 'Peoples...' links in the sidebar.


About the Images





feather to air
feather to water
feather to fire
First Peoples, Life-Centred