About The Four Realms
New Earth Village's Action Central
The Four Realms is New Earth Village's Action Central. It's where members meet to relax, share ideas, work in groups and get training.
Looking for an evening out? Check out the 'Fireside Club.' Need economic development ideas? Look in 'Making a Living.' Need partners for an elders health initiative? Drop by "Health & Well-Being.' Want training in leading change? Find a course in Creator. You get the idea.
A Website within a Website
The Four Realms is like a website within a website. It has its own system of links and specialized functions designed to promote discussion, learning and collaboration among New Earth Village members.
The Four Elements
The Four Realms has four action centres or activity areas. Each of the Four Realms is associated with one of the four elements that comprise all things in the universe - Earth, Air, Water and Fire - to emphasize the interconnectedness between individuals, their community, the planet and the Creator.
Like the four elements, the Four Realms are separate yet interdependent parts of a whole - the New Earth Village approach to community development:
1. Connector: Realm of Earth
Connector is the place to feel grounded, connected to humanity, valued - in other words, a place to feel close to the earth. Engage in talking circles, find new friends, swap stories, tell jokes, and explore other communities and cultures.
2. Explorer: Realm of Air
In Explorer, participate in conversations about what matters - the values that serve as the foundation for a community, visions of what could be, ideas for making it happen. Fill the air with your thoughts, your feelings and your spirit.
3. Advisor: Realm of Water
Like essential water, Advisor is the place to replenish your ideas, get advice to keep your creativity and your project flowing, and contribute your wisdom.
4. Creator: Realm of Fire
Creator is the coming together of all the realms. It is where groundedness, creative thought, knowledge and training are forged together in a wildfire of positive community change.
To and From
Go to The Four Realms by using the links in the sidebar. Once in The Four Realms, you can return to the main site by clicking on the link 'New Earth Village Home' in the New Earth Navigator or by using your browser's 'back' button.
Let the adventure begin!