What do SOAR ProTraining courses look like?
The word 'course' in New Earth Village is used to describe a workshop, a webinar, a program of independent study - any learning event that we provide.
SOAR ProTraining courses are designed to be fun, action-packed, practical, interesting and conversation-rich. Here's what they look like:
Modular Design
Courses are short learning units of up to 90 minutes. Each course is a complete topic, allowing your human resource person to utilize a ready-made pathway (program) of courses or custom design his own. Courses can also be used singly to change the pace of staff meetings, keep employees energized, learning and growing or as a focal point for community group meetings. Because they're short, administrators can fit them into a regular work day with minimal disruption and easily return later to review specific topics.
Max Mix Format
Instructional sessions are never more than 15 minutes long, and are followed by group discussions, practice exercises or tasks. ‘Mixing it up’ keeps participants interested and engaged.
Group Discussions
Rich conversations are the norm in SOAR ProTraining courses. Conversations shift between ‘whole group,’ ‘small groups’ or ‘pairs’ modes. Your local facilitator (TalkWalker) and audio-video materials encourage participants to express their views, relate their experiences and take time to reflect. Participation in course activities is always voluntary.
Exercises are designed to be social, fun, encourage creativity, be memorable and, of course, make a point.
Frequent summaries of the main points are included throughout to help participants tie the material together and make it stick.
Yup. There are quizzes, but nobody keeps score and they’re voluntary. Their purpose is to help participants ‘get’ the main points.
Short breaks are built in roughly every hour and a half. The course organizer is asked to provide beverages and snacks to keep energy levels high.
Relaxed and Informal
We think learning is best accomplished through relaxed conversation and social experiences. To encourage interaction, we keep the tone of our talks fun, lively and informal.
Stories, Humour and Examples
Interest is kept high by including stories, humour and examples, and by inviting participants to share their own stories and experiences.
Each course has an accompanying participant guide which your TalkWalker downloads, prints and distributes to course participants. Guides summarize the main points and serve as a reference during and after the course.