Great Eagle Quick Tour [dead page]
All aboard...
Come aboard folks. You’re just in time for the Great Eagle Quick Tour. Allow me to introduce you to Sorcerer, the Great Eagle. No ma’am, he won’t bite. Loves people, you see. Find a seat up there on Sorcerer’s back. Plenty of room. Is this not a grand day for Sorcering, uh, soaring? Right. We’re off. Ho, Sorcerer…
'Climb Sorcerer. Let's give these folks the lay of the land first, then we'll sweep in for a closer look.'
Navigating in New Earth Village
Navigation Bars
New Earth Village has five navigation bars or menus:
Help Bar (above the big image), the Top Bar (under the big image), the Navigator Bar (to the right of the page title), the Side Bar and the Bottom Bar (at the foot of the page).
Child pages
As well, some pages have child pages (pages that further explain the main or parent page). Links to the child pages are in the Side Bar (the grey box on the right) or in the text of the parent page.
Navigation bars are horizontal or vertical lists of links. You can recognize a link by its blue text which become bright blue and underlined when you hover the mouse over it. When you click on the link, it takes you to the page described by that text. After you have visited the linked page, the text link turns brown to tell you you've been there.
Help Bar
These pages provide you with the information and authority you need to participate in New Earth Village:
Contact: Get help or information from New Earth Group staff
Help: Get answers to your questions
Join: Become a participating member of New Earth Village
Log In: Sign in to participate in New Earth Village activities
Top Bar
This is where you will find all the essential information you need to understand what New Earth Village is about.
Navigator Bar
The Four Realms
The top link in the Navigator Menu takes you to The Four Realms. The Four Realms is the heart of New Earth Village, where all the action is - talking circles (forums), resources and training. The Four Realms is divided into four activity areas or realms.
Learn about The Four Realms by clicking 'About PF' in the Top Menu or hey, just go there and poke around. Once in The Four Realms, you can access other menus to get to a particular talking circle or resource.
Pages that inform:
Newsletter: Read the New Earth Village newsletter and subscribe
My Page: learn about having your own homepage
Wise Words: Read quotes that inspire
Words: Get word definitions
Pages that entertain:
Gallery: View pictures of indigenous cultures
Guest Book: Tell us where you're from; read about others
Peoples: Find images honouring indigenous peoples
Side Bar
The Side Bar is the area in dark grey. Sometimes you will find links there that connect you to pages that tell you more about the topic of the page you're on.
Bottom Bar
Whew. This site has more buttons than Sorcerer has feathers. The Bottom Bar (page bottom) has links to support pages.
Checkup: Where to tell us how we're doing
Gratitude: Who helped New Earth Village get started
Join: Click to join New Earth Village and participate
Pagelink: A list of links to New Earth Village pages
Privacy: How we protect your information
Service: Our assurance of service excellence
Survey: Where to tell us what training you want
Report: Where to report abuse or things that don't work
'Okay Sorcerer, show us your stuff. Bring us down close and personal.'
Places to Get Help
Go here to get answers to your questions, to report things that aren't working and so on.
'Listen' is a future development. Find the small red earphones icon in the sidebar of a page. When you click on it, the contents of the page will be read to you (you must have a sound system in your computer).
PageLink lists all the main pages in New Earth Village and tells you what you'll find there. You can click on a page title and go to that page. Use PageLink to get an eagle-eye view of New Earth Village and where things are.
'Words' is the New Earth Village dictionary. Words or phrases that appear as linked text on a page are defined in the 'Words' dictionary. Click on them to find their meaning or click on 'Words' to go to the dictionary. Not every word in the dictionary or every instance of a word may be linked, so if you find a word that confuses you, and it's not in linked text (brown and underlined), check 'Words' anyway. It's probably there.
Talking Circles
New Earth Village has numerous talking circles (forums). Each has its own topic area. Some are very general; others are quite specific. If you need help with a problem, new ideas or someone to work with, find a talking circle related to your need, then ask your question.
To participate in a talking circle, you must be a New Earth Village member. To join, click on 'Join' in the Support Menu or the Bottom Menu. It's free.
If you have a question about New Earth Village or need advice, the talking circle Mentor is the place for you. Go to The Four Realms > Advisor > Mentor
Contact Us
Still need an answer? Send us an email or give us a call. We're here to help. Click on 'Contact' in the Top Menu.
The Four Realms
Help on getting around in The Four Realms (Top Bar) is available by clicking the link 'Using The Four Realms' in the Four Realms links block.
Well done Sorcerer. Head us for home now so these good folks can begin their New Earth Village adventure. Belts on please. Fall off to port Sorcerer...