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About Us

New Earth Village is about growing Life-Centred Learning Communities - places where individuals are encouraged to be all they can be and where communities are, in turn, nurtured by their people.


We believe that you have the power and resources right now to re-create a strong, vibrant community that lives and breathes your cultural heritage and, as well, embraces the best of the modern world.



laughing man


New Earth Village TIPS:










Peter's Welcome

First Peoples As One


Hi folks,


Welcome to New Earth Village.


New Earth Village is about growing Life-Centred Learning Communities - places where people are encouraged to be all they can be and where communities are, in turn, nurtured by their people.


We believe that you have the power and resources right now to re-create a strong, vibrant community that lives and breathes your cultural heritage and as well, embraces the best of the modern world.


How? By partnering with the greater Indigenous community, pooling the vast, collective storehouse of knowledge, experience, skills and wisdom held by thousands of villages and organizations. By building on each others contributions, by innovating in teams and by focusing not on problems, but on what's working, what you want more of and what's possible.


We hope New Earth Village will draw you - Indigenous Peoples of the Earth - together, to celebrate your unique and precious contribution to this planet and empower you to realize your visions.


We hope too, that you, the members of New Earth Village, will see this place as your own, yours to shape into an exciting, powerful tool for positive change that works for you and because of you.


May New Earth Village serve as your sanctuary, your source of inspiration, your 'other family', your mentor, your fuel. May New Earth Village help you to grow your very own Life-Centred Learning Community.


Hy’chka. Welcome, thank you for the privilege of working with you, and good soaring!


Warm regards,



feather to wind
feather to water
feather to fire
First Peoples, Life-Centred