Spirit Makers: Leaders of Change
Bringing S.P.I.R.I.T. to change
Community leaders play a pivotal role in change. They hold immense power to rally their people, shape a compelling vision, bring in new ways of being and maintain change momentum. The New Earth Village approach places special emphasis on developing the capacity of community leaders to infuse the change effort with S.P.I.R.I.T - the lifeblood that nourishes and maintains change and draws people together to create a Life-Centred Learning Community:
Leaders who care deeply about the well-being of their people and who express that caring in their everyday actions will have immense capacity to instill in their people the Spirit of Change.
Leaders who hold passion for the work of change and who express that passion in their dealings with others 'infect' the change process with energy and spirit.
When leaders ensure that everyone is included in the change effort, people feel valued and are given a voice in the re-creation of their community. Inclusion eliminates divisions and generates whole-community collaboration. The community re-discovers its sense of identity.
Leaders generate spirit when they focus the change effort on the positive, on community strengths, on what's working. A focus on strengths affirms and celebrates life, lifts spirits, gives hope and unharnesses positive action.
As well, when leaders take time to formally celebrate community achievements, however small, and to honour those who made them possible, people feel pride and joy, and catch the spirit of change. Celebrating achievements help people to realize that change is underway, to believe that the vision is not only possible but inevitable.
Community spirit abounds when leaders operate from inner principles, not ego, and when they speak with clarity and conviction about achieving the vision. Such leaders hold the power of intention - they are one with the earth and possess a quiet confidence, a deep 'knowing' that the creator will provide. This power of intention infects others and builds an unstoppable force for change.
Trust is the very essence of community. Trust develops in the community when leaders demonstrate trustworthiness - when they model openness, honesty and respect for others, and when they behave with integrity ('walk the talk') both on and off the job. When trust is present, the Spirit of Change will flow.
People inspired (in-spirited) about a cause are people who act. When spirit is lacking, few participate and change will likely be limited and short-lived.
The SOAR approach keeps the change effort focused on life-confirming S.P.I.R.I.T. and the capacity of leaders to invoke it. This flow of energy from heart and mind excites people, generates new ideas and draws people together. Differences are honoured and celebrated, and people self-organize to act on behalf of the common vision.