Training programs for the
Life-Centred Learning Community
About Pathways
The following offerings are not yet a reality. We describe them here as ideas for development and invite your comments. Please tell us what you think in our 5 minute training survey
SOAR ProClub
When you sign up for one of four SOAR Pro Training pathways (Choices, First Light, Advantage or TotalPro), you automatically receive a SOAR ProClub membership. Swap training and development stories in ProClub's Talking Circle; get eTips - twice-monthly ideas on organization development from New Earth Group; and join occasional free learning events. We notify you by email of every ProClub event.
The Pathways
SOAR ProTraining offers clients eight pathways to choose from. A pathway is a program or cluster of courses which serves a particular client need. All SOAR offerings except SOAR Singles and SOAR ProD Live must be purchased four months at a time. Move from one pathway to another as your needs suggest.
In pathways with multiple four-month semesters, each semester is purchased separately. You can advance to the next semester at any time (unless you have chosen PlusPartners in which a group of clients move through the process together).
If you are not completely satisfied with your courses, you may apply for a full refund within the first 30 days. Dollar figures are in Canadian funds.
Here's a brief description of each:
SOAR Singles
($49 /course per use)
Choose from a menu of 'stand-alone' courses on a range of topics. Courses are offered as one-time use and are priced individually. If your community does not want or need a complete change process then Singles may be the pathway for you. Get training economically to meet your specific needs when and as you need it. Singles does not offer a change process. By single purchase.
SOAR ProD Live
ProD Live (Professional Development Live) is a series of 30-40 minute webinars (live on-line teleconferences). It provides participants with an opportunity to have loosely structured conversations with peers in other communities on topics of mutual interest. The topics may be role-specific (example: 'surviving and thriving as a woman administrator in a man's world'), challenge-specific (example: 'saving our youth: exploring ways to nurture young lives') or skill-specific (example: securing the loose cannon: strategies to engage employees who obstruct, undermine and sabotage the change effort). New Earth Village members can suggest topics in the Talking Circle 'Mentor.'
SOAR Choices*
Choices suits clients who are looking for a range of courses related to normal (not change-related) organizational and community activities. Choices gives you unlimited, economical access to courses in four of our Plus Series: PlusLiving (personal development), PlusLeader (leadership development), PlusManager (managerial skills), and PlusCouncil (governance development). Choose any course; repeat it as often as you wish with the same or different groups. Choices does not offer a change process.
SOAR First Light *
First Light trains a team to develop a resource and get it off the ground within two to four months. It is a rapid-response strategy designed for situations where lives may be at risk in the short-term and where the potential costs of not intervening promptly are long-term and severe.
First Light has another very useful function. It is an accelerated version of our comprehensive change pathway SOAR Advantage. That means First Light clients have an opportunity to 'test drive' SOAR Advantage at a fraction of the cost and time before committing to the longer, more involved process.
SOAR Advantage*
Advantage is a whole-community process for transformational change. It is designed to take sixteen months to complete the first cycle of four semesters, but could be carried out in more or less time to suit your circumstances. By repeating the Advantage development cycle, communities can continue with a change agenda over a number of years, aided by a ready-made structure that provides a philosphy, a process, training and support for change.
SOAR TotalPro*
TotalPro is an enriched version of SOAR Advantage. TotalPro includes four of our Plus Series of courses: PlusLiving, PlusLeader, Plus Manager and PlusCouncil. In other words, you have access to everything in SOAR Choices for $39/mo less than purchasing Advantage and Choices separately). By addressing both personal and organization development, TotalPro can provide your employees and community members with the full set of skills crucial to successful, sustainable transformative change at the organizational, group and family, and individual levels.
SOAR Warriors
Warriors, not unlike Boy/Girl Scouts, provides youth with constructive, challenging, fun activities that help participants build happy, healthy lives. Warriors are expected to be models of well-being, achievement and service. We visualize a group, ages 8-13 called Young Warriors, a second group, Warriors, ages 14-17 and even a third group, ages 18-25 called Leaders. As well as having their own activities, older Warriors volunteer to serve as leaders/mentors to younger participants. Warriors courses provide organizers with both a process (a way of organizing people, resources and activities) and content (instructional materials for activities).
SOAR Warriors is an on-going collaborative development of the New Earth Village community and is free to any New Earth Village member.
SOAR Fresh Start
Fresh Start is designed to bring a new group or a realigned group of people to community governance. It provides guidance to a community group wishing to form a local political party with an inclusive, transformational change agenda. Once trained and organized, the 'fresh start' party offers a slate of candidates for chief and council in the next election. Candidates chosen for the slate must commit publicly to a set of principles (ways of operating) endorsed by the party membership. Those ways guide the post-election change effort and the manner in which the Fresh Start council and administration operates. Fresh Start offers courses in principles-based leadership, building party membership, getting organized, creating a constitution, campaigning and the SOAR approach to building the Life-Centred Learning Community.
SOAR Fresh Start is an on-going collaborative development of the New Earth Village community and is free to any New Earth Village member or group.
* Notes:
Choices, First Light, Advantage and TotalPro must be purchased in four month (one semester) lots (meaning you purchase access to courses for 120 days). Advantage and TotalPro have four semesters of four months each. Each semester provides access to the courses of every previous semester allowing you to revisit earlier courses as a refresher or to orient new recruits (example: Semester 3 gives access to courses in Semesters 1, 2 and 3).
Pathways Plus
In addition to the pathways above, you can enrich your chosen pathway through our Plus Series of courses: PlusPartners (multi-community partnerships), PlusLiving (personal development), PlusLeader (leadership development), PlusManager and PlusCouncil (governance development) options.
Standard Support Package
All pathways except Singles, ProD Live and Choices enjoy the following supports:
- pathway-specific forum
- New Earth Village forums
- eTips (non-interactive email tips)
- eAdvisor (email help on demand from New Earth Group)
- p2pTalk (phone help on demand from New Earth Group)
Implementation Plan
Assuming our indigenous advisors (that's you!) agree with the pathways (programs) we've laid out, our plan is to develop them in the following order:
SOAR First Light
SOAR Advantage
SOAR Singles
SOAR Choices
SOAR TotalPro
SOAR ProD Live
SOAR Fresh Start (on demand)
SOAR Warriors (on demand)
Other Services (on demand)
By starting with the simplest pathway, then working towards the more involved, we can get training to you sooner.