About SOAR Training
What it is; when it's coming
What is SOAR Training?
SOAR Training is the name we give to all New Earth Village workshops, courses, seminars and support activities. The objective of SOAR Training is to provide guidance on how to create Life-Centred Learning Communities - places where people are valued, given voice and supported so that they are free to be all they can be - free to soar.
When people are free to soar, energy and creativity is unleashed that, when focused, rapidly develops individuals and the community.
Learn more about SOAR Training including how you can benefit and how you can get it by exploring the pages in the sidebar.
SOAR Training is on the way
SOAR training materials are being developed. We expect the first courses to be available in late 2010. We'll let you know in Wildfire, our Newsletter, as each course comes on line (Be sure to subscribe. Go to Newsletter in the Navigator Menu). We're really excited about SOAR Training and we're working hard to get it...well, soaring!.
Thank you
Thank you for your patience and please, explore these pages and tell us what you think. To leave us your thoughts, go to Pathfinder > Advisor > Mentor or take a minute to complete our Training Survey.