About Us
We're a Business
New Earth Village is the sole focus of New Earth Group, a for-profit business committed to making life better for indigenous peoples. New Earth Village promotes the well-being of First Peoples through SOAR, our unique approach to community development. New Earth Group is a sole proprietorship based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Our Mission
To develop healthy, sustainable, Life-Centred Learning Communities with you, our valued clients. Your vision. Our support.
Our Task: TIPS
To ignite your community development project by making available four key elements:
- Ideas
- Partners
- Support
Our Beliefs
A focus on strengths inspires |
Including everyone enriches |
A compelling vision drives change |
Valued people make change |
Partnerships speed change |
Many answers exist now |
Conversations build community |
Much can be done with available resources |
Small actions can have big impacts |
Early successes build momentum for change |
A learning culture adapts and thrives |