Pathways Plus
Enrich your pathway
($49/mo with First Light or Advantage)
Enrich your First Light, Advantage or TotalPro pathway by experiencing it with three other communities. Meet with a Guide weeklyas a group by teleconference to share experiences and get answers to questions. Then, once a month, join with other PlusPartners groups to swap stories and gain insights in a 'meeting of the whole.' Plus Partners must be purchased together with a pathway.
($29/mo with First Light or Advantage; $79/mo alone)
Add power to your change effort by offering courses to employees and community members on personal development topics. PlusLiving may be purchased alone or as an add-on to First Light or Advantage.
($29/mo with First Light or Advantage; $79/mo alone)
Bring inspiration, direction and cohesion to your change effort by enhancing leadership skills for the Life-Centred Learning Community. PlusLeader may be purchased alone or as an add-on to First Light or Advantage.
Plus Manager*
($29/mo with First Light, Advantage; $79/mo alone)
Give your managers the knowledge and skills they need to move the organization toward achieving the vision and to carry out day-to-day operations effectively. Managers learn the basic skills of delegation, time management, conflict resolution, program evaluation, information management, risk management, communication and employee support. PlusManager may be purchased alone or as an add-on to First Light or Advantage.
($29/mo with First Light or Advantage; $79/mo alone)
PlusCouncil is a way to bring transformational change to your community through governance renewal. Existing and newly elected councils can move through the PlusCouncil process to improve skills in decision-making, collaboration, communication, delegation and principles-based leadership. PlusCouncil may be purchased alone or as an add-on to First Light or Advantage.
* Plus offerings must be purchased in four month lots. To receive the discount, PlusLiving, PlusLeader, PlusManager and PlusCouncil must be purchased when you sign up for First Light or Advantage. They may also be purchased anytime as a 'standalone.'