The LCLC: A place where life flourishes

The Life-Centred Learning Community is a place where people are supported to be all they can be and where they, in turn, engage with the community to achieve and sustain its vision.

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Transform your own community into a Life-Centred Learning Community with SOAR ProTraining

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The LCLCommunity
The Eight Ways
Spirit Makers
The Four Ps



laughing man


New Earth Village TIPS:










The Life-Centred Learning Community

A place where life flourishes




New Earth Village's SOAR approach promotes our concept of the Life-Centred Learning Community. Here is what we mean by 'Life-Centred Learning Community' and how that notion shapes our SOAR ProTraining:




Focus change on creating the conditions for life to thrive. Re-shape community, work and family spaces so that they value people, nurture people and support people to be all they can be. Encourage people to be curious, risk, try new things and be accountable for their actions.




Focus change on a clear, compelling vision created by the whole community. Base the vision and all development decisions on a clear, broadly agreed upon set of principles - principles that place priority on quality of life, respect and caring for others, and healthy, sustainable living. Provide personal development training that translates those principles into everyday living.




Focus change on creating learning opportunities for all ages with emphasis on support for literacy, cultural knowledge, school graduation, post-secondary preparation, and life skills training. Build learning into every facet of community, work and family life.




Focus change on creating opportunities for people to create a shared vision and build the community together. Provide ongoing opportunities to engage in conversations about what matters, what people need more of and how they can achieve their vision.


As well, create opportunities for the community to gather regularly for cultural and social events, reaffirming its culture, community values and ties, and grounding it in its ancient and honourable past.



A Basket of Possibility

Life, centredness, learning and community - these four elements are loosely woven together in SOAR ProTraining like the strands of a flexible basket.  Each strand (element) supports the whole, each strand is dependent on the rest.  And together they create something greater than themselves - a healthy, dynamic community that is at once strong, mutually supportive, cohesive, open, and adaptable.



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feather to wind
feather to water
feather to fire
First Peoples, Life-Centred