Getting Around in New Earth Village
The text is too small. I can’t read it!
Use your browser controls to increase the page size. On a PC (most computers) press Control-Shift-+ or Control + move the scroll wheel on your mouse. On a Mac, click on the % value in the bottom left corner of the page and choose a higher %.
When I go to a webpage that I linked to from another page, how do I get back to the original page?
Here are two ways:
1. Find the button or link of the page you want to go back to on one of the menus and click it or
2. Click on your browser’s ‘back’ button (the left pointing arrow in the top left corner). The browser’s back button will always take you back to the last page(s) you visited.
How can I find discussions on a topic that interests me?
Use the 'Search' box (page bottom) of any talking circle. Search will search that talking circle for any word or phrase you ask it to look for (but only for that talking circle).
Let's say you were in Explorer's Health & Well-Being talking circle and you wanted to know if there had been any discussion about diabetes. Type the word 'diabetes' in the search box, then press enter (or return) on your keyboard. 'Search' will list all discussions in which the word ' diabetes' occurred and link you to that material. How cool is that?